Thursday, February 14, 2008

Spring is coming and so is the brown trout fishing

My wife Barbara and I are currently in Florida enjoying the warmth and sunshine, and at home in upstate New York it is 7 degrees today and snowing and blowing. It sure is nice not to have to deal with the winter weather and I know it is selfish, but I am glad that they are getting a decent amount of snow up home. When we have a winter with lots of snow and cold the next spring we have a great spring brown trout season. When the snow melts and there is a lot of run off entering into the lake, it carries with it lots of nutrients into the lake which attract a great deal of bait fish. The bait fish in turn attracts predators which means good brown trout fishing closer to shore. If there isn’t a good amount of snow fall and if a mild winter happens to coincide with an early spring then there is nothing to keep the browns close to shore. They will spread far and wide in the lake making it a lot harder to find them. But It doesn't look like there is going to be a early spring this year there has been plenty of snow and winter is still holding on.

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